Monday, January 23, 2012

What are the punishments for looking at porn at a public library.?

If the librarians catch you looking at porn at a library what are the penalties. Will you just be asked to get off or will there be a real consequence.What are the punishments for looking at porn at a public library.?
It depends on the library, the city/county/state. In Washington State, you can look at porn in the library and they can't do anything about it, other than make sure kids can't see it. They can only do something if it's child porn.

But if you do it in a way that is designed for kids to see (for example on a laptop in the children's section) then you could be charged with a sex crime.

The librarians may ask you to stop or they may call the cops, depends on library policy, which varies a lot.

The laws vary in different states, but generally looking at porn is a free speech question. Defining porn is part of the problem. If a woman is looking at a medical video on how to do a breast exam, some folks would call that porn and others would not.

(I don't think people should look at porn in the library, but this is what the law says. I think it's very rude and sick to force other patrons and librarians to look at that stuff and some have sued on the issue.)What are the punishments for looking at porn at a public library.?
Depending how old you are, if there a kids present, you could be charged with lewd explicit behavior in public (not too bad), but if there are children in the building at the time, you could be going to prison for a while. Depending on the state, using a public computer for porn or any other purpose other than information can be a serious crime as well.

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